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5 Simple Tips on How to Make a Good Data Presentation Even Better

qualitative-market-researchQualitative Market Research

Data handling especially on quantitative and qualitative market research companies can be really confusing and may create chaos if the interpretation is not done properly. They acknowledge that presenting data and coming up with a solution to make the audience understand and absorb the implications of the data without beating around the bush too much is important to businesses. Even an effective research or the most accurate data gathering method can be rendered useless if not presented properly.

There is no sure formula or an exact format to a successful and effective data presentation. Some market research companies may have their own templates for presentations but each presentation is unique and different from each other that it would require careful analysis. The following are just some tips and guidelines that can help you in data presentation:

1. State what your presentation is about. It may sound simple but with how much information is flowing into a single presentation, audience may lose track of what’s the sense and purpose of the whole presentation is all about.

2. Never assume that your audience or readers has prior knowledge to the subject of you are presenting. Make sure that you will provide them with supporting details that will help them eliminate any difficulties they may encounter during the presentation. Introduce the jargons that you will be using throughout the presentation. An Introduction of Terms section before the actual discussion of data or after defining the objectives of the presentation will be very helpful in guiding the audience/readers throughout run of the demonstration of the data.

3. Utilize use of graphs and charts. Graphs and charts showcases large amount of information, condensing them into easy-to-understand formats that clearly and effectively communicate important points. Graphs can be also an effective tool in catching the attention of your audience. Be warned that overusing these graphic can do more damage than help and can render the whole presentation useless. In selecting how best to present your data, think about the purpose of your graph or chart and what you want to present, then decide which variables you want to include and whether they should be expressed as frequencies, percentages, or categories.

4. Take time to highlight that data that matters the most. Data presentation can be really confusing especially when it involves different sets of data. Make sure to give emphasis by giving summary statements of the most impacting details of the presentation.

5. Keep the language simple. A common mistake in data presentation is that presenters often want to exaggerate the language for effect and make the presentation to sound intelligent than it actually is. In reality, these hifalutin words will just create hurdles in understanding what the whole presentation is all about.

Presentations, be it oral presentation or written, presented inside a class or prepared by a huge market research companies, are mediums of informing the public that such data are available. While these are just simple tips on data presentation, these can serve as excellent points in polishing a good presentation into a better one.


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